Glass Straws Are Safer and Better – Guaranteed!

Common and Safe

Some people think that glass straws are dangerous because they can break.  Yes, glass could be dangerous if you were to have it break in your mouth, in your hand, or in your beverage; but this is very unlikely.  The glass we use is so strong that you can’t bite into it.  You’d have to drop or bang it on something harder to break it.

There are many other items used in the kitchen made of glass that have the same risks:  measuring cups, coffee pots, glass bowls, and drinking glasses. Each of these items could break if they hit up against something harder, but we all use them regularly and it is rare that one breaks.  The bottom-line is that under every day normal usage, glass items are safe whether you are drinking from them or handling liquids and foods that you will consume later.  Maybe the ultimate example of glass being used everyday and being risky are eye glasses.  We seem to think those are safe enough for everyone on the planet to use on a daily basis.

Breakable is Better

Things that last forever are not always the best for us (think about all the toxic plastic straws that will be harming our planet years after we are gone).  Most of us need change or we get bored.  Things that are breakable, fragile, or temporary can sometimes be the finer things in life that leave us better off: ice cream cones, pets, the seasons, love, and even life itself.

Take love for example. Just because you can get your heart broken, doesn’t mean you should shy away from opportunities to fall in love and be deeply vulnerable with another person.  Falling in love is an experience that brings forth aliveness and happiness in one’s life.  In other words, falling in love is worth the risk of getting your heart broken.  Without your heart being open and vulnerable, you could never experience love.

Glass Straws are Guaranteed

Likewise, Glass Straws offer so many benefits that they are worth the risk of breakage.  But how do you deal with loss?  When your lose a loved one, you can’t replace them and it may hurt for a while because you loved them.  When something glass breaks, you usually have one option – go buy a new one.  In most cases, you can’t just call up the company that made the product and ask for a new one. It can get a bit frustrating when you are one drinking glass short of a coordinated table setting, or your prescription glasses fell to the ground and now you can’t see.

This is where Strawesome sets itself apart from other glass product manufacturers.  We are willing to stand behind our glass straws and provide you a free replacement if your straw breaks (even for those one-of-a-kind ones)!  You can read our replacement policy here.  So not only are our glass straws safe and better than plastics, but our Lifetime Warranty is unlike any other glass product you can buy.


Blog Give-a-way

Keeping with the analogy of straws and hearts, we want to give away the awesome hand-made glass heart shown in this post’s photo.  To be eligible to win, share an experience that on the surface seemed dangerous or worthless, but turned out completely contrary. We will pick a random winner on January 11th, 2013.

Happy New Year!

– Brian Surowiec


Comments (37)

  1. There are a lot of things people think are dangerous for children to do…trying to go down a slide when they are really young, climbing on things, etc. I was more cautious and said no more often to my now 3.5 year old. But I’ve learned that allowing kids to explore more and do some things that people traditionally think they shouldn’t allows them to learn and truly grow.

    Jan 7, 2013
  2. Its a common misconception that co-sleeping is dangerous. And in some cases, it could be (i.e. if you were under the influence), but for us it has been invaluable. When our young son wakes up at night we’ve become accustomed to bringing him to bed with us. He’ll nurse, and go back to sleep in the warmth of our bed. He sleeps better, longer and more deeply than he does alone. And I get to sleep and be refreshed rather than getting small bouts of sleep and feeling drained the next day. And when it comes to driving the next morning, that definitely is safer!

    Jan 9, 2013
    • I love Co sleeping!!! 🙂

      Keri collison
      Jan 9, 2013
  3. I think these glass straws are pretty cool I would love to win one. They are so cute

    Jan 9, 2013
  4. Well…sometimes it seems worthless to enter these giveaways because I never seem to win. However…I entered one just before Christmas and won it, just like I hope to win this one, too:)

    Deanna Knoll
    Jan 9, 2013
  5. gymnastics could be considered dangerous at first expecially when you read the release forms! But it builds strength, flexibility, character and responsibility.

    Jan 9, 2013
  6. I wouldn’t say it’s worthless, but my decision to be a stay-at-home mom is considered to be without worth by many. I didn’t bring a paycheck home, but the memories and the moments are priceless.

    Kim Cahoon
    Jan 9, 2013
  7. Something we have been struggling with lately is if it is safe to take our 18 month old skiing with us. I just started skiing a few years ago and my husband and I have always said that we wanted our kids to start when they could walk so they could grow up being comfortable with it. I was totally scared when I first started but have love every second going downhill. I think it is totally worth it to bring her, even if she just plays in the snow. (I’m pretty sure she won’t be ready for even the bunny slopes for quite some time ;)) So even though, for her, it hasn’t happened yet, I think it will be totally worth it and a great experience for her. It has been for me!

    Jan 9, 2013
  8. I have so many of these stories. Most of them seemed dangerous to my heart more than anything, like getting close to someone terminally ill, knowing that the closer you are the more in your face the pain is. This happened to me when I devoted a lot of time to my niece in her last couple months of life. She had a spinal cord tumor. But you know what? Experiences like this make me realize im alive…in the face of such fear and tradegy, I love and live more vibrant. So while it hurts more than anything, it has made me appreciate the time I have with those I love! <3

    Keri collison
    Jan 9, 2013
  9. One might say moving to live in Cambodia is dangerous. In fact the former US Ambassador to Cambodia had this to say about it: “It’s the most dangerous country you’ll ever visit, because you’ll fall in love with it…and then it will break your heart.” This is so true, but so worth it! I have fallen in love and had my heart broken over and over again, but I will never regret my decision to live and work in Cambodia since 2003.

    Jan 9, 2013
  10. I had a lot of warnings from friends & family when I wanted to start blogging – that it’s easy to find out the identity and location of the blogger, weirdos on the internet, all that. But blogging about running has become one of my favourite things ever to do – I’m so glad I started my blog!

    Jan 9, 2013
  11. I think a lot of people feel like advanced degrees are worthless in today’s economy because often there is not a return on your money in terms of job placement and salary and the exorbitant student loan debt that is accumulated. But I obtained my doctorate despite these contraindications and have never regretted it. I may be paying off my loan until I retire, but I will always have the satisfaction of signing my name with a Ph.D. on the end. 🙂

    Jan 9, 2013
  12. We were told repeatedly that changing my daughter’s diet and trying a low cost, low side effect alternative medication wouldn’t do any good…just delay getting the ‘right’ treatment and could do harm. She had already tried some major medications without any improvement so it was a risk I felt we needed to take. She is doing great…still has her colon, off some of the multiple medications she used to take etc. I wish doctors would not discourage patients from trying dietary changes…especially for children who have a lifetime ahead of them and deserve to enjoy their childhoods!

    Jan 9, 2013
  13. I’ve broken a couple strawsome straws on my own account. They’ve always been replaced quickly and hassle free. I’ve dropped them many times and not had them.break as well. I travel for work and carry it with me all the time. Love your straws!

    Catie Pearl
    Jan 9, 2013
  14. Dangerous and worthless… I’m not sure! Agree on the co- sleeping, I did with all my kids and wouldn’t have even considered otherwise. I don’t think it’s worthless, though!
    How about jumping from cliffs into the lake? Loved it when i was young!

    Amanda Hall
    Jan 9, 2013
  15. It seemed silly, scary and against my better judgement along with countless people telling me it was not a good idea. Jumping in with both feet “going raw” is proving to be the biggest and best decision of my life!

    Lisa T. Smith
    Jan 9, 2013
    • Congrats Lisa! You win the glass heart! We’ll email you for your mailing address.

      Jan 11, 2013
      • AWESOME!! I’m thrilled to receive your beautiful Heart Straw!
        Thank you so much and enjoy your weekend!

        Lisa Smith ~

        Lisa T. Smith
        Jan 11, 2013
  16. I have always coslept. Must people think it is dangerous, but if done correctly, it is safe. With three kids we have never had any problems.

    Annette Robertson
    Jan 9, 2013
  17. My husband thought my $99 enrollment kit with Thirty-One Gifts was totally useless. Here we are 10 months later & I have promoted twice. I add to the family income. The amount of incentives I have earned is almost countless. He thought it was worthless. It has proven to be much to the contrary!

    Regina H.
    Jan 9, 2013
  18. Since the day my daughter was born, at 25 weeks, i wake up every morning terrified, nervous n and excited to see what every new day will bring. A 6.5 month initial nicu stay, 11 surgeries, and several hospital stays, hundreds of doctors appointments, and therapy appointments, she is a bright, sunny 5.5 year old beautiful girl, who makes me loose my mind daily, because she has been my stunt junkie since the day she was born, and i would never trade a day for anything. She us becoming a beautiful girls, and has made me realize what an amazingly strong person i have become for her

    Carina Plungis
    Jan 9, 2013
  19. When I babysat I ran around to protect the little boy from tripping and hitting his head on the coffee table. I followed him around it day after day. He still bumped his head. I had to learn its life and he will get past that. And it was his learning experience that he had to master on his own.

    Jan 9, 2013
  20. Traveling across counrty. Alone and with my two yr old. People said I waas craazy but I loved it, saw so many beautiful things and he enjoyed it too. Of course, the thing he remembers the most is getting waffles at the hotel but….

    Jan 9, 2013
  21. My decision to go back to school and get my master’s degree was challenging, with 4 children at home and a single parent. It turned out to be the best thing I ever did for my family 🙂

    Marisa Esquer Horner
    Jan 9, 2013
  22. It was risky, but after college we sold all our ‘stuff’ and bought 1975 Dodge Dart from a nun and drove south and west 1200 miles camping and exploring until we ended up in Santa Fe NM. We did not know anyone but made some wonderful friends and had a good time for a year before deciding to move home again.

    Kristin Troska
    Jan 9, 2013
  23. To people outside of the activity, drum and bugle corps seems worthless, useless, expensive, the list goes on. You pay $3,000 to sleep on busses and gym floors, rehearse on football fields 16 hours a day in any weather the US summer can possibly throw at you, shower in high school locker rooms that sometimes are clean and have comfortable water but only if you’re lucky, and get told by judges that you suck, all for three months straight. But in reality those things (and so much more) are wonderful for the members. We learn to push ourselves miles past where we thought our breaking points would be, we get some of the best instruction we’ll ever have in brass, percussion, and color guard, we learn to love it when we get to trudge through the show in both the pouring rain beating sun, we rely on and feed off of each other as we need to endure something hard or play a good show, we get into the best physical shape of our lives (a certain friend of mine dropped an entire 100lbs, and itty bitty me broke 100 for the first time in my life by building pure muscle), we get to pour out literally all of everything we’ve got–air, music, marching–to perform our show in front of thousands of people and end it knowing that all of the 150 other kids on the field just worked every bit as hard as you did in as close to perfect sync as is humanly possible, all playing their own instrument and marching their own drill and trusting that everyone around them will do their part to create a show that will make the people in the stands get on their feet. It’s an extremely cool feeling that most people will never experience–and so incredibly worth it.

    Jan 9, 2013
  24. When I was pregnant with my son MANY people thought it was dangerous for me to go with a midwife instead of an OB and tried to talk me out of it. I stuck with my guns though and it was THE BEST decision. I didn’t/still don’t regret it for a minute. Sometimes you just have to go with what sits better in your soul! What is deemed “safe” by societies standards is often the exact opposite of what I would feel is safe deep down in my soul.

    Ami L
    Jan 10, 2013
  25. My response is natural childbirth. While I feel exactly the opposite about this being dangerous or not worth it, I know a lot of women who feel it is. As with anything in life, you need to be prepared mentally, emotionally and physically to achieve success and when you have something that is such a passion for you and you achieve it, the reward and feelings of accomplishment is so great! I think natural childbirth is empowering and the benefits from it are so immense!

    Jeanette Albright
    Jan 10, 2013
  26. My great uncle’s funeral was today. My sister and father are estranged, and it was his uncle who had passed away. My sister wanted to be there and my dad was not going to go, so her and I went together. Because of the estrangement, it was a bit “dangerous” to put my sister in a room with all our family when they haven’t seen her in MANY years, but it turned out to be very good. She reconnected with some uncles we haven’t seen and feels like she was able to reconnect to the family even if she can’t connect to our dad.

    I loved your love example above. Great reminder of what things are important. 🙂

    Jan 10, 2013
  27. When I was 24, I quit my job because I didn’t agree with my employer’s philosophy. I had a house payment and a car payment, and my parents thought I was crazy. I ended up returning to school and obtaining a Master’s degree. One year later, I was employed full-time. Now…thirteen years later, I have a great job and I have never regretted that tough decision I made all those years ago.

    Jan 11, 2013
  28. I met my hunny online. And flew across the country to meet him for spring break. I was in college. My parents put on a good show of not freaking they quietly did in the background, I have no doubt! Six months later, I moved across the country…and here we are today, 9+ years later. 🙂

    Jan 11, 2013
  29. These are great. I can’t buy any this pay period. But, hopefully I will be able to next. This would save me so much trouble from plastic straws. I reuse them like crazy, but they end up in the bottom of the dishwasher.

    My grandmother would have loved these. She used and reused, and reused plastic straws.

    Kristalyn Mowers
    Jan 11, 2013
  30. My dentist suggested drinking out of a straw because coffee and tea stain the teeth. Obviously, the plastic straws would be toxic. I noticed the advertising for all the glass drinking straws avoid selling the idea that these are good to use with hot drinks; coffee, tea. Hmm. Why ? People are real interested in maintaining white teeth so think this would be a good selling point. I am wondering now if there is a reaon why glass straws would NOT be good for hot drinks. It would be the only reason for me to buy them. I can feel the grit on my front teeth after drinking coffee…

    Jan 22, 2013
    • Jeff, Thanks for the comment/question! Glass Straws are safe for all drinks since they do not bend or melt until you heat them up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. Perhaps we can expand on this a bit more in our next blog post. -Brian

      Jan 22, 2013
      • It occurred to me later that it could be a bit dangerous.. Getting a shot of hot to the roof of mouth or something. re-design for hot liquids/ one that narrows at top ? just thinkin’. thanks for reply. I am all for getting rid of plastic wherever possible !!

        Jan 23, 2013
        • Whether you use a straw or not, liquids that are too hot can be dangerous. We do sell skinny straws if you want less liquid with each sip, but narrowing the top is not going to prevent burning if the liquid is to hot. The nice thing about a glass straw is that the heat doesn’t have toxins to pull out of the straw. The plastic straws on the other hand leech their toxins and poison your beverage. I’d go with glass over plastic just for that reason. The temperature is more your responsibility. -Brian

          Jan 23, 2013
  31. […] is actually one of the most frequent questions we’re asked! They are safe, and our two young boys use them multiple times daily. Our youngest has been using them since he […]

    Interviews with Mosquitos : Daedra Surowiec
    Mar 6, 2013